Mini Train – The great Mini Train is heading out for its maiden journey, but it seem the blocks that have formed parts of its track have been moved and switched around. Now it is up to you to run ahead of the great Mini Train and put these blocks right so our hero train can complete his journey.
Each level in this game will ask you to take some blocks and arrange them to allow the mini train to travel across them. Use the mouse to grab a block and move it wherever you want by dragging it across the screen. The arrow keys can help maintain some balance to your building blocks.
Drag the pieces into place so that the train can drive from left to right without getting damaged. When the pieces are in place, tap play to start the train.
Game developed by gametornado.
迷你火车 - 伟大的迷你火车正在前往它的首次旅程,但它似乎已经形成部分轨道的块已被移动和切换。现在,您可以在优秀的迷你火车前跑,并将这些积木放在正确位置,这样我们的英雄火车就能完成他的旅程。